New Course Offering: "2018 - The Empowered Year"
It’s confession time. I am a high-functioning procrastinator and I am thankful that I realize that about myself. Step One - acceptance. Step Two - make changes where necessary. Step Three - act on those necessary changes.
As I am writing this piece I am working on Step Two - making changes where necessary.
I am in my amazing new office space downtown Burlington and enjoying how comfortable and energetically-charged it is. I find it easy and lovely to work here.
However over the past few weeks I have noticed a funny little feeling in my stomach (right where the Solar Plexus is). As my spiritual practice has evolved over the years, I KNOW that the feeling is a sign that something is up. So I meditate on this area - and I meditate again - and yet again. Finally I have the answer to the uncomfortable feeling. I have been procrastinating because I am not PREPARED.
For me, not being prepared causes chaos and chaos causes me to procrastinate even further - such a vicious cycle. The ill-preparedness stops today.
I have engaged myself in a focused effort to get some things done today that I have been putting off (writing a blog post like this being one of them!)
Being as we are coming to the end of 2017 I am also preparing for 2018 - no procrastinating on this one. I have purchased my three journals and set aside some time at my cottage for contemplation and serious goal-setting for the coming year. Now I am EXCITED! No longer feeling uncomfortable in my Solar Plexus - instead that feeling has been replaced with pure JOY and EXCITEMENT.
As I think more and more on preparedness, I realize that this is something that a lot of people struggle with, and I am determined to help! As such, I invite you to join me for a workshop entitled “2018 - The Empowered Year".
In this fun-filled workshop you will:
Learn HOW to set appropriate goals in seven areas of your life
Learn WHO will support you in your Empowered Year
Learn to SUPPORT yourself and others in 2018
Learn to CREATE your own personal Mantra for the coming year
Learn to GIVE BACK to the world we live in to better your life and others lives as well
As the facilitator and Intuitive Therapist, we will work together as a group AND I will also provide support individually throughout the workshop so you will leave with your Personal Empowerment Tool for 2018. You will leave feeling empowered, recharged, and ready to face to coming year head on! 2.5 hour sessions will be held on Thursday, November 30th & Saturday, December 9th at 9:30 am.
For more information, and to sign up for this course, please visit I cannot wait to work with you to create a powerful and fulfilling 2018!
With immense LOVE & JOY!