As Fall comes to Burlington, I pretend to be challenged with linear time. My Spirited Self believes it’s still SUMMER… GROWING in a NEW GLOW! And that warm sun‘rise’ has been significant! The ease with which I Grow/Glow is something I embrace and NEVER let go of…. Since I LOVE to travel, there is ALWAYS something exciting to experience. I visited Charleston SC for a 5-day extravaganza of pure expansion and enlightenment.
Here are 5 tips to GROW in that summer GLOW!:
1. THE MIND AND BODY ARE ONE – The connection between my Body and my Soul is alive and well.
2. MUSIC BRINGS HARMONY TO THE SOUL – I have been exploring music since I was a child and have fond memories of rock concerts with my brother, along with my introspective explorations of personal favourites. Music “excites” my Soul. I am exploring artists with a new set of “eyes”.
And, let’s not forget the music that unites me with my husband (LOVE SHACK – B52S) and my children (YOU WILL BE IN MY HEART– PHIL COLLINS FROM THE TARZAN MOVIE) I also connected to my old favourites. (Bruce Springsteen – you ROCK –” and Elton John – Who comes into my heart and expresses “me” better than you? – “All the Nasties” – OH MY SOUL!
3. BE MINDFUL OF EXAGGERATION – Exaggeration that is wrapped up in “reporting” to others to gain approval is a distraction from personal power. Instead, stay in silence and SMILE… reporting necessary…
4. YOUR PRESENCE IS ENOUGH – A most poignant statement for everyone (shared by Simran Singh!) I AM ENOUGH!!! I focus on BEING!
5. THE POWER OF INTUITION – My INTERNAL dialogue has grown to the point of complete surrender – I LISTEN very intently to ME! I have FREEDOM in listening and trusting that voice!
Are YOU spending time on your Spiritual Growth? Are YOU enjoying time in reflection. When you “Meet YOUR Soul Self”, you activate the connection to YOUR POWER OF INTUITION. In doing so, you find the sweet spot of confidence and love for yourself….YOU ARE ENOUGH AS YOU ARE!
The mantra I extend to the Universe everyday is – HOW CAN I HELP, HOW CAN I SERVE – So here goes… IF YOU:
- Want to learn how to TRUST your gut instinct?
- Want to tap into deeper KNOWING?
- Want to develop YOUR SIXTH SENSE?
JOIN MY NEW CLASS… The Power of YOUR Intuition, contact me – details will be sent in a separate e-blast…..we will meet once/monthly to enjoy an intuitively-based curriculum that I have been guided to share this powerful soulful knowledge!