Happy Spring!
We are experiencing the first taste of Spring here in Ontario and I, for one, intend to CELEBRATE it! In fact, as I write this newsletter, I am enjoying the view of my backyard while sitting on my back porch ( I have a blanket across my lap because of the chill in the air, however I am enjoying the sunshine on my face!)
Late in 2014, I made a conscious decision to adopt the practice of mindfulness – being actively present in any moment in time. Initially I felt this would be a seamless and relatively easy task – I was wrong. I wasn’t prepared for how busy my mind can be and how effortlessly I flash back and flash forward in any moment. As with any other change in my life, I was committed to the practice and intuitively knew it would benefit me. So I set additional intentions, prayed and meditated daily to assist me. I am proud to say that I am catching on and reaping the benefits of the spiritual work I am always so excited to do.
Having said that, I certainly view my world differently – with clarity and enrichment (not to mention with less stress). I find that I accept others with ease (as opposed to judging them). I release old wounds and hurts and forgive with ease (a couple of REALLY old resentments were still hanging around – now gone!)
Mindfulness has enriched my teaching abilities and subsequently has benefitted everyone who attends one of my classes. It has increased my intuitive abilities so I find that while I work with my clients for a one-on-one session the connection to Spirit is stronger and clearer.
As I contemplate and continue to celebrate this particular practice I now understand how it is impacting EVERY AREA OF MY LIFE!
I have the pleasure of working with others who are clear in their visions as well. I celebrate a wonderful relationship I have with Joanne Morgan and Nina Menrai. We are co-creating a mindful weekend (FREEING THE POWER OF YOU! May 22 – 24) and having a blast as we prepare. More details are available on our events page. Please join us for the most empowering sessions I have offered to date!
I invite each of you to spend some time over the next few days contemplating the present moment and what each of these moments offers you – moments to experience visions, nature, your friends and family, yourself, your spring wardrobe (mine is in need of a shopping spree – YIPPEE!) – there is no limit to what we can be mindful about – so use your personal power of focus and intention to appreciate what is being presented to you – I promise, it will be worth it!
With immense love and joy to all!